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Vietnam 2014

  Flag of Vietnam 20 days of travelling in Vietnam from northern Hanoi to warm and sunny Saigon. Temperatures during travelling were freezing cold (around 0C in SaPa) to warm and hot in Dalat, Mui Ne and Saigon. In Sapa I met my friend when she had already travelled half of the well known circle (Cambodia nad Laos).

Vietnamese like bright colors (a lot) :). We only used buses to travel long distances in Vietnam (longest ride took 19h), for short distances we could always hire some motorbike from locals (but not so in Danang, we used some "mama motorbikes ltd" ... well probably not ltd :).

The cave (or you can say also "dong") Trung Trang was closed, but we managed to go around locked doors and we were for a moment not only tourists, but also tour guides! I think the most amazing city in Vietnam is Danang. It's modern, living, clean, it has broad streets, on the south there are Marble Mountains and on the east there is blue sea with beaches and green peninsula ...

Travelling route: Hanoi - Moc Chau - Son La - Sa Pa - Cat Ba - Hue - Danang - Dalat - Mui Ne - Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon).


Timelapse I made in Vietnam